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In Illinois, a thirteen-year-old "Ray of Sunshine" dog dreams of a happily ever after

Now that the holiday season is approaching, many animal shelters also see an influx of pets that need to find a forever home. In particular, senior pets have a hard time getting adopted.

The adoption center Young at Heart Senior Pets in Woodstock, Illinois, is in desperate search of a forever home for their 13-year-old dog, named Emmy, who's considered a "ray of sunshine," and we hope for a Christmas miracle.

Aw, look at her. She is such a sweet angel with a gentle soul.

Related: 15-Year-Old Senior Dog Who Was Just Surrendered Has People Heartbroken

According to the staff, Emmy is healthy and cuddly but prefers to be the only pet in the household. She's also good with kids, as long as they're gentle.

Why Do Senior Dogs Have a Hard Time Getting Adopted?


People may be concerned about potential health issues that could arise in older dogs; however, while senior dogs may have some health considerations, many are still quite healthy and can lead happy lives with proper care.

Adopters might also fear the emotional difficulty of forming a bond with a dog that may have fewer years left or the thought of losing the newly adopted dog after getting used to it.

Senior Dogs Make Great Companions Because...


Senior dogs typically have a calmer temperament compared to puppies. They are often already trained and may be more laid-back, making them great companions for individuals or families looking for a more relaxed pet.

Many senior dogs have lived in homes before, which means they may already be house-trained and have basic obedience skills. This can be a significant advantage for adopters who may not have the time or energy to train a younger dog.

With senior dogs, what you see is what you get. Their size and personality are already established, making it easier for adopters to choose a dog that fits well with their living situation and lifestyle.

Consider Adopting a Senior Dog


Senior dogs often form deep bonds with their adopters. They appreciate the love and care they receive in their later years, and their loyalty can be incredibly rewarding for the adoptive family.

Adopting a senior dog can provide them with a loving and comfortable home during their golden years, and it's a rewarding experience for you, the adopter, to offer them the care and companionship they deserve in their later stages of life.

So if you live within 150 miles of Woodstock and are interested in adopting Emmy, you can fill out an application here.

We hope Emmy will find her forever home, just in time for Christmas.

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Author: Heidi Morrison

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Name: Heidi Morrison

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Introduction: My name is Heidi Morrison, I am a clever, multicolored, frank, spirited, proficient, accessible, unswerving person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.