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The product that Xur is selling from December 8 to December 12 at the Destiny 2 Xur location is Dexerto

Lloyd Coombes

It’s a new weekend, which means everyone’s favorite shady vendor is back. Xur is waiting to sell you a new exotic or two from Destiny’s vast arsenal. Here’s where to find Xur’s location in Destiny 2.

Season of the Wish is here and there is a lot to be getting on with as you work through all of the new content. While you’re doing all that, why not visit Xur to break up the grind and see what the Agent of the Nine has on sale?

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Every Friday, Xur returns to Destiny 2 in a new location and offers Guardians a chance to grab an exotic weapon and some new exotic armor rolls in-game, along with his exclusive cipher quest that you need to complete in order to claim old exotic weapons from the Monument to Lost Lights.

Xur is back in Destiny 2 this week, and he’s due to set up shop in a different location with a whole new stock on offer to Guardians. In fact, since Season of the Lost, he now sells a series of Legendary items, too — adding a new dimension to the mysterious vendor.

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    • Where is Xur today in Destiny 2?
    • What is Xur selling? Exotic armor and weapon
      • What did Xur sell last week?
    • Xur’s Legendary weapons and armor
    • When does Xur come to Destiny 2? Vendor weekly reset

Where is Xur today in Destiny 2? Xur location (December 8 – 12)

As of 5 PM GMT/10 AM PT/1 PM ET on Friday, December 8 – 12, Xur can be found in Winding Cove, EDZ.

Xur location in Destiny 2 found in Winding Cove on EDZ,Bungie

Xur can be found next to the crashed ship in Winding Cove, EDZ.

What is Xur selling? Exotic armor and weapon

As of 5 PM GMT/10 AM PT/1 PM ET on Friday, December 8, Xur is selling:

  • The Jade Rabbit (Kinetic Scout Rifle)
  • Ophidia Spathe (65)
  • An Unsurmountable Skullfort (64)
  • Skull of Dire Ahamkara (64)
  • Exotic Engram

He also has Hawkmoon (Moving Target) which will cost you 125k Glimmer, x200 Legendary Shards, x1 Exotic Cipher, and x1 Ascendant Shard.

As of Season of the Witch, Xur no longer sells Dead Man’s Tale with it instead being available from the Exotic Mission Rotator.

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Xur’s Legendary weapons and armor

Destiny 2‘s Season of the Lost introduced a massive change to Xur’s age-old purpose. Beginning in Season 15, Xur now offers a selection of Legendary weapons and armor each week alongside his typical exotics.

For the weekend beginning December 8, Xur is selling the following Legendary weapons & armor:

  • False Promises (Kinetic Auto Rifle)
  • Cold Denial (Kinetic Pulse Rifle)
  • Legal Action II (Kinetic Pulse Rifle)
  • Cartesian Coordinate (Solar Fusion Rifle)
  • IKELOS_SG_V1.0.3 (Solar Shotgun)
  • Interference VI (Arc Heavy GL)
  • Memory Interdict (Void Heavy GL)
  • Sovereign Armor Set

When does Xur come to Destiny 2? Vendor weekly reset

Xur has moved to a new location today in Destiny 2 (December 8) and will remain there until the weekly reset on Tuesday, December 12. The Agent of the Nine disappears every Tuesday at reset and won’t return until next Friday (December 15) when he’ll show up and offer Guardians some new gear.

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While Xur’s choice of weapons and armor pieces rotates each week, he always has an Exotic Cipher quest available for players to pick up (unless they already have one active in their inventory that needs to be completed).

The exact process for finishing the quest can vary, but it involves completing a number of activities including Strikes, Crucible, Gambit, and the Exotic Mission Rotator. If you’re desperate for a chance to recover an old weapon from the Exotic Kiosk, you should complete this quest weekly.

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For more on Destiny 2, check out our other guide content at Dexerto:

Deepsight Harmonizers: How to farm, use, and what weapons to convert | Exotic Mission Rotator: What it is, how to access, schedule, loot table | Best Exotic weapons | Best PvP Weapons | Best PvE Weapons | Best Titan Builds | Best Warlock Builds | Best Arc 3.0 Builds | Best Solar 3.0 Builds | Best Void 3.0 Builds  |  Best Stasis Builds


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Author: Ashley Gibson

Last Updated: 1703360403

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Name: Ashley Gibson

Birthday: 1996-01-11

Address: 6129 Leslie Common Suite 656, Greenland, NC 35809

Phone: +4502073128505477

Job: Article Writer

Hobby: Playing Guitar, Camping, Magic Tricks, Dancing, Survival Skills, Chocolate Making, Camping

Introduction: My name is Ashley Gibson, I am a daring, important, courageous, unreserved, unwavering, strong-willed, frank person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.